Emerging Leisure Scholar Award

Awards & Grants

CALS Emerging Leisure Scholar Award

The Canadian Association for Leisure Studies/Association canadienne d’études en loisir (CALS) Emerging Leisure Scholar Award recognises the significant early and potential contributions to the field of leisure studies by a Canadian leisure researcher who is untenured at the point of nomination. The Award recipient is already making a meaningful impact on the scholarly community and/or community at large. The individual has generated and/or influenced new concepts and ideas, provided new insights, advanced innovative perspectives and approaches to research, and ultimately, had a significant impact on the way in which leisure is understood and plays out in the lives of Canadians.


The Canadian Association for Leisure Studies/Association canadienne d’études en loisir (CALS) Emerging Leisure Scholar Award recognises the significant early and potential contributions to the field of leisure studies by a Canadian leisure researcher who is untenured at the point of nomination. The Award recipient is already making a meaningful impact on the scholarly community and/or community at large. The individual has generated and/or influenced new concepts and ideas, provided new insights, advanced innovative perspectives and approaches to research, and ultimately, had a significant impact on the way in which leisure is understood and plays out in the lives of Canadians.

Eligibility & Criteria

  • Canadian citizen or working in Canada;
  • Leisure researcher based at a university or college, research institute, think tank, or government agency;
  • Untenured at the point of nomination.; and
  • Can include post-doctoral fellows.

Nomination Process

  • Nominator must submit the following: (1) a completed nomination form with the name of the nominee, the nominator’s name, and a seconder’s name; (2) a letter of support from the nominator, with the option of a second letter of support from the seconder or another individual familiar with the nominee (1,000 words each maximum); and (3) the curriculum vita of the nominee;
  • Candidates can be nominated more than once. If not successful in one year, an individual may be re-nominated in a subsequent year. Nominations will not be carried over from one year to the next, so a new submission must be prepared each year;
  • CALS Award Committee makes recommendation to the Board. If the nominee is a Board member, they must recuse themself; and
  • Named in second week of May in each non-CCLR year, and at CCLR during a Congress year.

Presenting the Award

The Emerging Leisure Scholar Award is available to be presented every year in conjunction with the CALS annual meeting. A plaque will be given to each recipient and presented to all three recipients at CCLR. Each recipient will be awarded a $500 prize (from Routledge via agreement with Leisure/Loisir), which will be sent to each recipient in the same year of award.

Committee Structure:

The CALS Awards Committee includes at least three members of the Board of Directors. When nominations are being considered for the CALS Leisure Scholar and the Emerging Scholar Awards, another member of CALS who is not a member of the Board may be added to the Committee.


Award nomination process is currently closed. Please stay tuned for updates.